From Council to the Capitol
We Color it Blue

Laguna Beach Democratic Club

We are a 100% volunteer led organization, a chartered club of the Democratic Party of Orange County, and value inclusivity and transparency. We work to advance the Democratic Party agenda and thereby promote the well-being of our communities for now and into the future.  Our primary mission is to get Democrats elected.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Register to attend in person here.
Register to attend via Zoom here.
Register to attend in person here.
Register to attend via Zoom here.
LBDC Thanks
Monetary donations for the Laguna Food Pantry gladly accepted!
Click image above to donate funds directly to Laguna Food Pantry (put in the memo line “LBDC”).
The Laguna Beach Democratic Club’s mission is to help elect qualified Democratic Candidates into leadership positions from the city level up to the national offices. In 2024, the City of Laguna Beach has two City Council seats and two school board seats to be filled. We are seeking input from community members to discuss qualified potential candidates to fill these seats.
Click on the image above to submit a Local Office Candidate Recommendation (yourself or someone else) who holds Democratic values and who you believe has the qualifications needed to be a City Council Member or School Board Member.
Join us on Slack! It’s a new way to communicate that’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email. (Click the image to sign up!)


